Three Blind Mice Card Game

Three Blind Mice Card Game Average ratng: 5,5/10 9245 votes

## Threeblind mice in a row #

The Three Blind Mice Cards Zazzle. Create your own unique greeting on a The Three Blind Mice card from Zazzle. Choose from thousands of customizable templates or create your own from scratch! Create your own unique greeting on a The Three Blind Mice card from Zazzle. Have a pleasant day. 3 Blind Mice: A Remediation Game for Improper Children is a point-and-click horror / children's puzzle game. Let the three blind mice guide you. Play Three Blind Mice online now. No download, 100% free. Mobile friendly and fast.

# Threeblind mice, there they go #

# Marching down the street, single file #

# To a calypso beat all the while #

# They're looking for the cat #

# The cat that swallowed the rat #

# the attitude of threeblind mice #

# Threeblind mice, here and there #

# Threeblind mice, everywhere #

# Searching all around for the cat #

# All over Kingston town, pit-a-pat #

# They got the carvingknife #

# To cut the p*ssy cat's life #

# The puss will get that knife for trifling #

# The threeblind mice #

# Oh, the mice... ##

That's it. 100 honours, and 90 below.

Nicely done, Strangways. I have to give it to you.

I must leave you for a few minutes. Order a round on my chit, Professor.


Damn it all! Must you alwaysbreak off at this time?

My managing director's a creature of habit. I get a call every day at this time.

Hurry back before the cards get cold.

Same again.

Bless you, master.

- Hurry, man! Hurry! - Get away, quick!

W6N... W6N... W6N.

Calling G7W.

How do you hear me? Over.

Receiving you. Over.


Stand by to transmit.

Wait. Out.


Hello, W6N. Report my signals.

Report my signals. Over.

Hello, W6N. Over.

Foreman of signals - urgent.

Get me the Ml6 radiosecurity control.

What is it?

W6N, Jamaica. Broken contact, sir, during a routine transmission.

Broken or faded?

Broken. The carrier wave is still established.

- And the emergency frequencies? - No joy on either. I'm still calling.

Keep trying. Let me know when they come up.

Hello, W6N? W6N? Report my signals. Over.

Foreman of signals, sir. Jamaica's broken off mid-transmission.

No, sir. It's not a technical fault.

Yes, sir.

Will you tell him, sir?

Very good.

- Excuse me, sir. Are you a member? - No, I'm looking for Mr James Bond.

- What name should I say, sir? - Just give him my card, will you?

Would you like to leave your coat over there, sir?

- Suivi.

- Carte.

Sept la banque.

- Banco suivi.

- Carte.

Huit la banque.

- C'est suivi.

- Oui, madame. Changeur, s'il vous plat.

Three Blind Mice Card Game

- Carte.

- Neuf la banque. - I need another thousand.

I admire your courage, Miss... uh...?

Trench. Sylvia Trench.

I admire your luck, Mr...?


James Bond.

Mr Bond, I suppose you wouldn't care to... um... raise the limit?

I have no objections.

Pas possible, madame. Ce n'est pas lgal.

- C'est suivi, monsieur.

Looks like you're out to get me.

It's an idea, at that.

- Huit la banque.

Neuf la banque.

- Excuse me, sir. - Thank you.

Andr, I must pass the shoe.

I hope you'll forgive me, but it's most important.

Thank you.

Have those changed, will you?

Too bad you have to go. Just as things were getting interesting.


Tell me, Miss Trench, do you play any other games? Besides 'chemin de fer'?

Hmm. Golf,

amongst other things.

Shampoo Card Game Rules

- Tomorrow afternoon, then. - Tomorrow? Let me see...

And, uh, we could have dinner afterwards, perhaps?

Sounds tempting.

May I, um,

Three Blind Mice Card Game

let you know in the morning?


My number's on the card.

See if he's there, will you?


James, where on earth have you been? I've been searchingLondon for you!

He'll see you in a minute.


What gives?

Me. Given an ounce of encouragement.

You never take 'me' to dinner looking like this, James.

You never take me to dinner. Period.

I would, you know. Only M would have me court-martialled for

illegal use of government property.

Flattery will get you nowhere. But don't stop trying.

- Now... - What's all this to-do about?

Strangways. And it looks serious.

We've been burning the air between here and Jamaica for three hours.

Alternative namesNumerous
Players2–4 (recommended)/unlimited depending on the number of cards available
Skills requiredMemory, quickness
Cards52 or more
Card rank (highest first)Highly variable
Playing time5 mins.+
Random chanceHigh
Related games

Shithead (also known by many other names, most commonly Karma, Palace and Shed[1]) is a card game, the object of which is to lose all of one's playing cards, with the final player being the 'shithead'.[2] The game became popular among backpackers in the late 20th century.[1][2] Although the basic structure of the game generally remains constant, there are regional variations to the game's original rules.


From a standard, shuffled deck of cards, each player is dealt 9 cards in total: 3 face-down cards in a row (blind cards), 3 face-up cards on top of the blind cards, and 3 hand cards.[2] The blind cards will be the last cards to be played and players are not allowed to see or change these cards until the ending turns of the game. The face-up will be the second to last set of cards to be played in the game (before the blind cards). At the beginning of the game, players are allowed to switch their hand cards with their face-up cards in an attempt to produce a strong set of face-up cards (possibly all perfect wildcards) for later in the game.[2] Cards with the same numerical value can be stacked on top of each other if needed.


The beginning player is the first person to put a 3 in the pile from the cards in their hand. If no player has a 3 in hand, the game is started with a 4; if no 4, then a 5, and so on.[2] The second player must then place an equal or higher card (in numerical value) than the card played previously, this card is to be put on top of the play pile. All subsequent players are then to follow this rule. The player would then have to draw cards from the deck. Each player should have at least 3 cards in their hand at all times, unless the deck has run out of cards. The game continues sequentially in a clockwise direction unless certain wildcards are played, such as a Joker, depending on the rule set.

Twos and tens are wildcards, and can be played on any card. Any card can be played to follow a two.[2] When a ten is played, the discard pile is immediately 'burned' (removed from play) and the same player takes another turn, playing any card or set to begin a new discard pile.[2]

If a player is able to place four cards with the same numerical value (e.g. 5555 or 8888), this burns the discards in the same manner as a ten. Burning can also happen across multiple players' turns: for example, if a player first plays 555 and the next player in turn has the 5, they can drop that card to finish the set and burn the play pile. The player who burns the pile must then play another card after.[2]

When a player has no wildcards and no single card that is equal or higher in value than the card on top of the play pile, they must pick up all the cards on the play pile and end their turn. Picking up the pile can often put a player at a great disadvantage when many cards have been played, as they will have more cards to shed than other players. Even so, it is still possible to quickly recover from this handicap by burning the pile.

Three Blind Mouse Costume

A game of Shithead in its final phase, with two face-up cards played

After a player has no more cards in their hand, and the deck is empty, they need to play from their three face-up cards. They cannot play from this set of cards until they have finished with their hand. Following the rule: the value of the face-up card must be higher than the value of the card on the top of the pile, if a player cannot play the face-up card, then they must pick up the pile. Once all of the face-up cards have been played, a player must then play their blind cards. These cards are played one at a time, without the player knowing the card until the moment it is played. As usual, if the chosen card is lower than the previous card played, they need to pick up the pile, and are required to play their entire hand again before progressing to the rest of their face-down cards.

When a player has no cards left, they are out. The game progresses until only one player is left, at which point they are crowned the 'shithead'. Under most rules, the shithead's only role is to deal the next set of cards, but players may decide further punishments for the role, such as fetching the next round of drinks.

Alternative rules[edit]

Two Jokers can be added to the deck as additional wildcards. This expanded deck allows the game to be played by six players.[2]

Many rule sets and house rules give special attributes to other card values, such as reversing the order of play,[2] needing the next play to be lower than the played card,[2] or having one rank being considered 'transparent', the next card played having to beat the one below the transparent card.[2] Some versions of the game do not allow 10s to be played onto face cards, and allow the player who played the 10 to take another turn immediately.[2]

A variation of this game, Swedish, that is widely popular in Southern California,[citation needed] has 4 wild cards: 2, 6, 7, and 10. 2 and 10 act much the same as in Palace, with 2 starting the numbers over and 10 burning the pile and playing again. However, 6 mirrors the card below (and can be included in the 4 of a kind to burn the pile) and 7 requires that you play a 7 or lower. In Swedish, you never play with Jokers.


Three Blind Mice Card Game

  1. ^ abParlett, David (1979). The Penguin Encyclopedia of Card Games. p. 480. ISBN0140280324. (Karma, Palace, Shed, many other names)
  2. ^ rules of Shithead

3 Mice Game

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